Right. Where do I begin...
Name's Jin Hui. "Andrew" didn't really exist in my name, but I had been using for various online accounts. Not really sure why though hehe... I guess it's such a common name, anyone can use it.
That's that, and on to my YouTube journey (that is the reason why this blog is created in the very first place!)
YouTube Journey
In the first place, my account was made just so I could keep track of my video games' walkthrough, especially for Final Fantasy XII (anyone LOVES that game? I DO!!! Meh the haters. I LOVE WHAT I LOVE.). I wouldn't say it was a tough game, but at the age when I was playing it, IT REALLY WAS HELLUVA TOUGH GAME. I would spend hours during my school holidays grinding away for levels and loot and experience before proceeding to the next area. Reason being I was REALLY REALLY YOUNG when I first played it with my sister, and we didn't know the importance of LEVELING the characters before proceeding. We were always CHICKENING away from enemies as soon as they were chasing us (FYI, FFXII is single player. I use WE because we often watch each other play and essentially helping each other work things out... LOL XD).
That resulted us being very under-leveled, poor, defenseless due to ineffective weapon and armor. It got so bad to a point that we just couldn't proceed unless we RESET the game and start fresh (Yes, we didn't know how Quests worked, how Hunts worked, where to claim the bounty for Hunts, where to look for Hunts, and just didn't understand WHY WE WERE SO DAMN WEAK HAHAHAHA). So I went on to make a YouTube account. To search for play guides and walkthroughs. It helped us ALOT as I started bookmarking the story lines and made sure I watched the videos FIRST before proceeding (OH THE SPOILERS AND TIME SPENT WERE PRICELESS haha..)
So there you have it! The very birth of my YouTube account stemmed from a video game... A game that defined my childhood holidays, and Final Fantasy XII will always be one of favorite games. Old it may be, but its gameplay and Battle style is One-Of-A-Kind.
Characters from FFXII. Time was spent, early-days were used fighting Bosses, and most importantly, MEMORIES WERE MADE. I'm crying inside now....
I really WANT to collect all the FF series, but financially I am not capable of buying the consoles, and the games are getting more expensive. But given the OPPORTUNITY, I will definitely seize it. My way of living life: "Seize the opportunity when it presents itself to you. It may not come again."
Alright. That is all for now. Perhaps my next posting will be about music's role in my life or how I came about with my online persona DrewyJin =)
Do remember to check out my channel if you haven't http://www.youtube.com/c/DrewyJin . You can suggest any songs to me as I would be glad to keep pushing myself to improve to ensure that my work will always be a satisfying "meal to the ears".
Bye for now!