Feels ages since my last update here...
Recap on what has happened:
I'm already on an exchange program for a year, so right now I'm still doing my YouTube things =) Though it's a bit more of a challenge to carry it out.
I should have actually made a post for my previous vlogging vid. Wonder why I never did..
Technically, other than a few photos to show this new beautiful place I'm in, there's nothing more to them. Just head over to my instagram if u wanna see those pics~
After so long, I've managed to touch a grand piano, and practice on it... The feeling of it is so surreal. Immensely wonderful. As promised, I have made Fate/Apocrypha ED Full Desir already. I was a little tense when recording it since I've practically never touched an analog piano for ages. IT WAS JUST SO GOOD.
Bye for now!