Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Jay Chou 周杰伦 等你下课 Waiting For You Piano PARODY MV

Hello bloggy. I've neglected you too long...

I've made my first video for 2018, instead of a normal piano video, i've taken some time to make my own MV. Lots of effort and time went into making this, and I'm hoping it'll be shared virally around. 
Hence the name 周杰伦Jay Chou with Gary Yang 等你下课 Waiting For You Piano PARODY MV.

I really made this on my own, and everything was done alone in my uni's garden XD Squirrels abundant, they all stared at me while i took the shots XD

It's really been a long time since I played a Jay Chou song, and it was really enjoyable playing this. So it would really be nice if this is shared around, cuz its not a normal Piano Cover, but my own blood and sweat MV.

So please, share this video of mine, and hopefully Jay Chou will notice it himself. I really hope to have you all share this around, my video, 

周杰倫 Jay Chou (with 楊瑞代)【等你下課 Waiting For You】Piano PARODY MV