Saturday 16 September 2017

Fate/Apocrypha ED - Desir Piano Sheets

Alright so here're some news.

My time has come to leave for my exchange program. ( I mentioned this some time ago...  Anybody remembered lol ?) And I'll be away from my home country for about a year. 

I am a nobody, but I am really wishing to be somebody. A "somebody" in which I can be happy as. Cliché af, but I wanna continue practicing/playing anime songs. I could do more Chinese songs for my Chinese listeners too, in fact I should... Ooops.

Anyway, I've come to a point in my music development where I cannot stop doing what I'm doing on YouTube. 

Yea sure Im just one of the small fries small fish in the net, and my vids aren't getting much attention. But some how, whenever I'm done with an anime song, even if it goes quite poorly in the views, I still feel accomplished, something that most other genres just won't give.  Repeatedly doing this eventually made me realize that I want, and I love, to play anime music. And I wanna keep doing it.

I want to continue regardless, because it is the only way to realize my dream of going on this YouTube journey, a dream that only recently I realized I want it very badly. 

A dream to be my country's BEST ANIME PIANIST. 

I want that. I really want that. Even if I cannot achieve international fame, at the very least, let me be a jaguh kampung. 

At least, I want to be great on the soil that I was born on.  


Here's the video for the posting:

Sheets are here:

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