Tuesday 5 June 2018

Jay Chou 周杰伦 Bu Ai Wo Jiu La Dao 不爱我就拉倒 If You Don't Love Me, It's Fine.

If you don't want me, it's ok...
If you don't love me, it's fine... 
It's not like I am unwanted anyway...

Hi all.

It has been a while. How's you doing? I've just finished my exams, and finally I can make my videos again without much worries~

It has been a rather long time since I had a Chinese song to work with. I've been playing anime related songs because IM A WEEEBBBBBB~ 

But yeah, I find anime songs teach me a lot of techniques, and I enjoy picking one or two from those that I played. I still find interesting progressions in old anime songs which is always a wonderful thing.

But my anime works don't seem to be working out for me haha, soo I've been thinking of infusing both JPop elements with MandoPop ones. And Jay Chou's 不爱我就拉倒 has enough room for expansion! 

Other than this, I still have the sheets to work on, and I am looking forward to practicing more pieces to hopefully, develop my own 风格 of playing.

Till then, here is the corresponding video for this corresponding post:
Jay Chou 周杰伦 Bu Ai Wo Jiu La Dao 不爱我就拉倒 If You Don't Love Me, It's Fine 

PS: The female lead in the MV is so pretty~ 

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