Thursday 23 May 2019

Memes and Snapchat gender filter craze


I realize I haven't come back here for a long time now, and I'd like to keep this alive! After all, its one of the ways to stay connected to whosoever is fortunate enough to stumble upon this blog =)

You know how memes seem to be part of our lives already? Well I am starting to see more and more memes in my daily life, and it seems a shame if I don't have anywhere to express it. I don't really like to make a lot of noise on Facebook ,and I don't have my own page to put those noise in lol.

So alongside my piano tutorials, you'll start to see some memes that relate to either the current trend or some other nonsense. How did it come to this? I'd say doing my thesis seems to have activated a prespective in my brain that can start appreciating even the slightest of humor. Not sure if that's healthy, but it sure is funny.... to me at least. PogChamp.

Anyway, I have made 2 or 3 meme clips, and they'll belong in a separate playlist away from my music videos. I hope you get to see them, and I hope even MORE that you'll at least giggle at it =D

Here are the 2 videos:

Ultraman Meme:

I was experimenting on some After Effects stuff which led me to the idea of this clip. It took quite some effort to make the Specium Beam effect, and I thought it would be such a waste to just leave it at that. So began the first meme video.

Snapchat Gender Filter:

I don't use Snapchat actually. I only got it to see hwat the gender filter was, and bam, that's how it turned out. I'll be deleting Snapchat soon. I don't see the need to use so many social medias just to be hip. It hogs up phone memory, and serves nothing but extra distraction to the already present stuff on the phone.

There they are: the 2 meme videos. You can safely assume that there'll be more in the future, but don't expect many at once. The main content shall still be my piano videos, and the meme videos shall be a side. Short clips only serve to entertain and nothing else =)

OH by the way, if you really are into beauty stuff ( I doubt you would if you're a guy, but if you're a lady it might be different @@), I'd like to assist a friend's family business by getting the word out that his family runs a store for health and beauty products. 

I highly suggest that anyone seeing this take a peek at their prices. It really is revolutionary. Check it out! It'll also help me too haha. More on the company next time!

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