Friday, 23 December 2016

A Year's End

It has been a long ride, reaching the end of 2016...

Thinking back, I did had a TON of fun ( way before Uni started that is). I did all the things I didn't do in high school: I started watching anime, I grew my channel, I worked (wonderful eyeopening experience), I started making my own sheets (something that I thought was impossible when I was younger) and I played my games! There was Pokémon,  Dota, in which I bought a compendium for the very first time, I had Undertale, which was a really enjoyable game, and of course the BEST STEAM buy ever: Final Fantasy XIII!! Holy smokles, the memories~ There was just so much fun time for 3 quarters of the year, and I DO NOT REGRET every moment spent the way it was spent.

The Big 4 that kept me "busy" LOL. Blogspot sucks with pictures haiz. 

OH I also attended my first anime convention Animangaki (AMG), and recently, my first Comic Fiesta (CF)!

Personally, I prefer the experience in AMG over CF. At that point in time, everything in AMG was new and fresh to me. I didn't know how it would be like: the queue at the ticket counter, lining up to meet your cosplay idols, and just immersing in the music that the band was jamming away on the main stage~ Much wow I must say. As for CF, I wouldn't say it wasn't a good experience. It was still enjoyable, but now that I kinda know what to expect, things just didn't feel as exciting compared to AMG. Not to mention that AMG was way before Uni started, and I had ZERO RESPONSIBILITIES as a student XD Once I got into Uni, there was time to manage so precariously, studies to keep up, and MONEY to think about... And seriously, take my advice: if you ever wanna enjoy any anime conventions, you gotta have a seriously big budget. 

Coming back, CF was held at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) last Saturday from this posting, and I would say the atmosphere wasn't as great as AMG, but nonetheless it was still acceptable. This time, I went prepared: I bought the Early Bird Tickets and boy was it one of the best  decisions ever made. As soon as I got off the train station, there was already a queue all the way from the entrance of PWTC! And the station is at least 5 minutes walk from the centre! And it wasn't just ONE queue; there was a mob of them. Fortunately, early bird tickets got a green light to the enter immediately.

As per great events, words and pictures won't depict the actual atmosphere there. You have to be there to understand how it's like. All the walking, the waiting, and the cheering is just in a realm indescribable by words. But here are some pictures that will share a bit of my one day experience at CF~ (PREPARE FOR SOME SUCKING  PICTURE ALIGNMENTS!! )

This was the queue at Ying Tze's booth and other cosplayers as well. @@

Some rock band jamming away~


This was a tribute to Koji, Digimon's theme song singer. I cried a bit here =(

A Saber here~

As long as he's good looking under all those make up LOL XD

A WOW Kakashi <3

And some selfies with a random Titan staff in CF, Angie (top right) and Ying Tze (bottom right). Lovely ladies <3 <3 <3 Not the Titan lol... It's a guy underneath haha.

Wow. It really has been a year. This year I have had many first time experiences in many things, and I am glad to have chosen to do the things I did. Being all so studious for so many years, I have finally experienced the life of a student whom enjoyed the things a serious students wouldn't be able to. What a year, what an opportunity.

As for the new year that is looming, I just want to work on my shortcomings as a person, and continue doing the things I love responsibly. May I prioritize things right and may I be able to develop further.

To those who have been with me since the start, thank you for the support. It really has helped me cope with my doubts regarding the materials I make. To those who will join me later: Thank you for for even dropping by my channel, and if you wish to know more about me, you are more than welcomed to join me on this little adventure.

Thank you everyone. It has been a rather exciting year, and may we see more great things come into life in 2017. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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