Sunday 16 April 2017

So comes April...

Quite a roller coaster ride it has been recently~

Attack On Titan Season 2 was released (FINALLY) early this month, and guess I wasn't too late for the hype this time hehe ^^""

I could have done this earlier, but I had a camp over the weekend on the 7th - 9th of April, which effectively took out my practice time. BUT all well's over and done with, and since it's just TV size, I managed to get it done the following week~

Thinking back, that camp was much of great fun. It was a business simulation theme camp, and it was the first I've ever joined. Initially when the marketing team was promoting it to me, I didn't give much attention to it, since it was gonna take up 3 days of time. But... things happened, and I joined the camp with another friend of mine. 2 main reasons: I wanted to experience something new, and also because I wanted to get closer to... a certain someone >///< . 

WELP I'm not gonna spill anymore beans in case she finds out this blog and that's gonna be awkward for me haha. 

Wish I could tell more about the event, but that's gonna take a whole long posting again. Here's the article of the camp I wrote for my uni's portal, perhaps it can be a sort of preview of what happened: 

"I've enjoyed our little run-ins. I hope to know you more~"

Here's my arrangement for Attack On Titan Season 2 OP - Shinzou wo Sasageyo 

See you all again when I come back from exams~ Meanwhile I'll work on some sheets of my SAO Arrangement~ Hopefully I can get it penned down!

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