Sunday 18 March 2018

DARLING in the FRANXX Piano Sheets, Delays and Deleting...??

Hi all. Long Post.

I've been accumulating some back log in making sheets, but I've managed to squeeze in time to complete DARLING in the FRANXX ED - Torikago Sheets now. I will continue to work on the other EDs I've posted, and uh.. hopefully I'll get to post them one at a time weekly.

There are soooo many good series coming up in April, them being Tokyo Ghoul, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan and Steins Gate!!! I wish I have the time to really work properly on their OSTs, but I can only do so much with whatever meager time I have for myself =(

Speaking of delays, I'm probably gonna stop posting for a bit, cuz i wanna explore some other old OSTs to prepare for an event later this year, and it looks like there's a huge list I wanna be able to play... So maybe I might not be so visible anymore now.. again meh.

And also, there's an important thing Im considering doing: I'm thiking of removing public access to my FB account. Since its my profile, and its on public, anyone can click on it and drop me requests. That is the reason why I kept my profile public. But now, I am at the mercy of employers who will be able to check my profile and then if they see this DREWYJIN , they might think I'm someone fooling around and not serious in getting work. (The work Im looking for is a science field, and employers who see my involvement in arts and music may think i'm looking for an art job. And that is not good. I need to be able to get an internship that relates to my course, if not I won;t be able to graduate. #sadlyfe So in other words, I have to conform to society slightly to be able to graduate by the end of my course.

So this leads to think of making my own Private FB page. You know, to receive any requests or just let off some steam on it or just post non-sense that I wouldn't be too at ease sharing publicly, like my vids and others. Cuz it feels like Im plaguing my contacts' feed with my vids every time I share a vid that I feel was a good work =( .  Initially, i though I'd make my page once i hit 1k subs or way more... but looks like Im not worthy yet to have that amount of support, so that page will have to wait.

But then again, requests could just come in on YouTube comments right? So I don't have to make a page if its just to receive requests. But one thing is for sure that I'm removing public access to my FB profile. Meaning you won't see my contents unless we are friends. As for the page, it's still in consideration... but for an indefinite amount of time for now.

Well if you could, could you let me know what you guys think about this? Need I make a page?

That wraps up this post for the said Video, and hope to work on more exciting OSTs!

DARLING in the FRANXX ED - Torikago Tutorial + Piano Sheets

1 comment:

  1. HI SA CAR. WHILE i apprECIATE your coNCERNs, I am unable TO RESpoNSE PRoeprely beCUZ I Dno nowk YOUR seRVICE. But SINce YOU r a HERe , QHY not SuppORT MY BUsinESS in DRIving A PIANo KEYs? YoU CaN dO SO by SUbcribing TO my CHANNEL .

    On another hand, do keep looking for people who are interested in your services, because I SURE AM NOT. Thank you =)
