Friday 24 June 2016

Change of Plans

Hey all. This gonna be short. 

OK. I've been thinking of changing how I am going to share my sheets and all. The way I've been doing it is by using blog. I have to upload my sheets from my hard disc, into a cloud (Google Drive, Dropbox etc...), then copy the link into blogger.

The thing is, I find it rather odd to go through so many steps just to share a file online. I'm thinking of changing to something easier, something that will save my file just as it is. IE, upload the file straight from my disc into the web. Simple and nice. 

Any ideas what platforms may be better? If it really comes to it, I will share my music works on that site instead of Blog, while Blog will just be something "small" and not mainstream for sharing stuff. 

So here it is, video of Jay Chou x aMEI for 不该. I've also made a Synthesia video too! 


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