There really isn't anything worth sharing this time, but perhaps I should start giving those who really come in to read a little touring around my uni here.
Where am I studying? I don't plan to disclose it directly =). So perhaps as a first, this fountain here should be the very first hint of my institution.
I did think of taking more photos around, but work got me lost in a loop of responsibilities, and I forgot to snap pictures as I went about my daily routine.
So just a head start announcement: I might be changing my recording plans. There are still requests to be fulfilled, but I am in the midst of preparing a repertoire for a performance next February. I would have to smoothen out some rough edges, and just try to get past the audition first before making serious arrangement regarding my playlist.
AND FUN FACT: Most of my blog posts are posted at night, like LATE at night. So pardon me if you found that my previous posting were rather awkward, it was just me being sleepy and tired when doing the posting. Even right now, my eyes are SO DROOPPY I could just dive onto my bed and fall asleep right away..

to answer those song requests.
Well, I can't think stragight lol. Perhaps all those late nighters are catching up on me...
Here's the video for this posting: Eric Chou's This Is Love. I will be working on the sheets for this, so do subscribe to stay updated to my postings!
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