Monday, 30 May 2016

Recording Mishaps ZZZZ

I believe those who are in video production experience a lot of mishaps during the recording or editing process. Like A LOT. Those who don't experience much difficulty in recording are clearly genius at their work and have memory of an elephant. I SALUTE YOU.

Image result for i salute you

Everyone now and then, recordings can take up a lot of time if the day is not favorable for you. What looks like a simple music recording can take HOURS just to get that perfect recording. 

Been there, done that, I do get annoyed when a song I wanted to make perfect is crippled by a tiny mistake. That forces a pick between 2 options: ACCEPT AND MOVE ON or RETAKE. =_=''' 
Can don't make my lyfe so difficult ma...
Accepting the little mistake would mean dropping your standards and hope that people won't realize the flaw in your work, while retaking would mean spending more extra time (not including edits) on a RAW recording. 

I won't say that choosing either of those is bad or good. It really depends on perspective whether you want to accept that mistakes happen and no point wasting more time on an otherwise CLOSE TO PERFECT video or dedicate extra time to make it right. 

Either choice would really suck, because it frustrates anyone who seeks perfection within their work. I get very mad when I just cannot get the PERFECT recording, and I would have to push the recording to a later date after I've practiced more and cooled off. 
Image result for frustrated meme
Really? Do you (the recording day) have to be so hard on me...
Sure, a simple mistake is tolerable, but not being able to get the recording that you wanted is just off putting. 

With that said, I try my very best to make sure I make every recording as perfect as possible. Perhaps not being so bright a person has made me need to work very extra hard to make my work a perfection. Sigh. FeelsBadMan. 

I do apologize if I screwed up any parts of my recordings. Its just that we all don't have infinite time to do everything again and again. We make the best use of time we can get our hands on. So thank you for all the support given. It means a lot to me. Hopefully one day in the future, I can actually get a recording perfect in one shot just like how my other senpais are able to. 

Image result for nyan cat

Let the dream be realized~ 

So here is the corresponding video to this post: 


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