Saturday 3 September 2016

A Work Revisited


Recently I looked back at my works earlier in the year, and I could say that it has been a fun ride. I also noticed how amateurish my playing was. Maybe it will take some time to see some notable results... Though I hope it won't go unrealized.

"Perhaps it's not so much on the end results that matter the most, but the process and path you take that will determine its worth." 

I could start worshiping that phrase...

A work revisited, a video corrected, and some sheets to share. Here are the sheets for Kung Fu Panda 3's Try.

See you again~


I will soon have to commit myself to studies, and as such, I will not be able to keep up to the 1-video-a-week quota, WHICH SUCKS =(. But I can't fight with reality... Do not despair (my friends and MYSELF). I will try to upload maybe twice a month, a proper video and/or sheets. Hopefully I can still find materials and time to improve myself, and hopefully reach for the stars that I have set my goals upon. 

Thank you.

- DrewyJin -

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