Friday 23 September 2016

New Start


My oh-so-fun time has finally ended, as I have resumed my education again. I've moved into my accommodation on campus, and it is rather homey! Much to my delight! It even has enough space for my keyboard! YAY! REJOICE! I can bring ScherzForté in! (That's the name I gave my keyboard LUL)

It's been a week since I started staying there, and I believe I have adjusted already to the new environment. Everything's been packed nicely, and necessities are complete. I will be coming back home for these 2 weekends to transport my "studio" into my room, AND to meet up with Animenz! OHHHHHH THE DREAM IS REAL..... 

Oh yeah. Its him alright.... (~`,`)~

As to how production will proceed, I plan to make 2 videos a month. Sheets will be still be made for songs that I deem fit. Hopefully the discipline I've cultivated these whole 9 months will prevail and bring me good returns both academically and musically. Hopefully no matter how busy I will be, I pray I keep to my quota. 

I hope this doesn't happen. God forbid it please. 

Nothing interesting happened so far in campus. Registration and induction came and went, met a few friends here and there, and now I am just waiting for classes to begin on Monday. 

I pray for a glorious chapter here. 

Well, here is the video for this posting:

And the sheets as well:

Thank you for all the support thus far! I hope to receive your continuous support throughout my journey here on, as it means a lot to me. I will be very much motivated in my strive and I hope to live up to my/your expectations. 

See you again~

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