Friday 7 October 2016

New Start II


Finally, responsibilities have caught on to me. I now have lessons to attend daily, and work that require much attention and care and caution. 

So far, life here on campus is calm. I didn't feel so at peace at any campus accommodation before, so I am enjoying the "zen" that is present for now. Perhaps it could be because there's not much work YET. I would be wise to better stay cautious about my work. No/Little work does seem suspicious to me. 

Anyhow, I still am able to find some time to practice my pieces and prepare for recordings, albeit they won't be as long as before. 

And guess who I met last weekend!


He came over to Malaysia after his China Concert Tour to share his ways of music arrangement. What a nice day it was~

And here's my first recorded piece in my new place! Oath Sign from Fate/Zero. 

Gotta work better on the audio quality. It sounds rather different compared to my other videos.... Or it could be just that I SUCK BAD..... ;aA;KJDFH;ALKSDFJA;LSFDKJA;L

That is all for now.

See you~

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