Saturday, 31 December 2016

Last for the Year!



I've said almost everything in the previous posting, and uh, Happy New Year!

This is my last video for 2016 too~ So hopefully it helps anyone looking for sheets~

Friday, 23 December 2016

A Year's End

It has been a long ride, reaching the end of 2016...

Thinking back, I did had a TON of fun ( way before Uni started that is). I did all the things I didn't do in high school: I started watching anime, I grew my channel, I worked (wonderful eyeopening experience), I started making my own sheets (something that I thought was impossible when I was younger) and I played my games! There was Pokémon,  Dota, in which I bought a compendium for the very first time, I had Undertale, which was a really enjoyable game, and of course the BEST STEAM buy ever: Final Fantasy XIII!! Holy smokles, the memories~ There was just so much fun time for 3 quarters of the year, and I DO NOT REGRET every moment spent the way it was spent.

The Big 4 that kept me "busy" LOL. Blogspot sucks with pictures haiz. 

OH I also attended my first anime convention Animangaki (AMG), and recently, my first Comic Fiesta (CF)!

Personally, I prefer the experience in AMG over CF. At that point in time, everything in AMG was new and fresh to me. I didn't know how it would be like: the queue at the ticket counter, lining up to meet your cosplay idols, and just immersing in the music that the band was jamming away on the main stage~ Much wow I must say. As for CF, I wouldn't say it wasn't a good experience. It was still enjoyable, but now that I kinda know what to expect, things just didn't feel as exciting compared to AMG. Not to mention that AMG was way before Uni started, and I had ZERO RESPONSIBILITIES as a student XD Once I got into Uni, there was time to manage so precariously, studies to keep up, and MONEY to think about... And seriously, take my advice: if you ever wanna enjoy any anime conventions, you gotta have a seriously big budget. 

Coming back, CF was held at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) last Saturday from this posting, and I would say the atmosphere wasn't as great as AMG, but nonetheless it was still acceptable. This time, I went prepared: I bought the Early Bird Tickets and boy was it one of the best  decisions ever made. As soon as I got off the train station, there was already a queue all the way from the entrance of PWTC! And the station is at least 5 minutes walk from the centre! And it wasn't just ONE queue; there was a mob of them. Fortunately, early bird tickets got a green light to the enter immediately.

As per great events, words and pictures won't depict the actual atmosphere there. You have to be there to understand how it's like. All the walking, the waiting, and the cheering is just in a realm indescribable by words. But here are some pictures that will share a bit of my one day experience at CF~ (PREPARE FOR SOME SUCKING  PICTURE ALIGNMENTS!! )

This was the queue at Ying Tze's booth and other cosplayers as well. @@

Some rock band jamming away~


This was a tribute to Koji, Digimon's theme song singer. I cried a bit here =(

A Saber here~

As long as he's good looking under all those make up LOL XD

A WOW Kakashi <3

And some selfies with a random Titan staff in CF, Angie (top right) and Ying Tze (bottom right). Lovely ladies <3 <3 <3 Not the Titan lol... It's a guy underneath haha.

Wow. It really has been a year. This year I have had many first time experiences in many things, and I am glad to have chosen to do the things I did. Being all so studious for so many years, I have finally experienced the life of a student whom enjoyed the things a serious students wouldn't be able to. What a year, what an opportunity.

As for the new year that is looming, I just want to work on my shortcomings as a person, and continue doing the things I love responsibly. May I prioritize things right and may I be able to develop further.

To those who have been with me since the start, thank you for the support. It really has helped me cope with my doubts regarding the materials I make. To those who will join me later: Thank you for for even dropping by my channel, and if you wish to know more about me, you are more than welcomed to join me on this little adventure.

Thank you everyone. It has been a rather exciting year, and may we see more great things come into life in 2017. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, 12 December 2016

Whoosie Daisy~

Hi again~

This posting is wayyyy overdue... I've been procrastinating, feeling lazy now that I'm into my study break for a month. Dude, the past weeks were a hard fight.... Tests and tests again... Hopefully I get to honor my efforts with some good results eventually.

Snip bit: I do feel VERY INCLINED TO ARRANGE ANIME songs now. O.O Oh no...

The performance I mentioned some time ago and some places all over my media was relating to my Uni's Japanese Culture Society... and the only songs fit to be performed then would undoubtedly be anime songs... And for the past weeks I've been practicing some of those, and not so much  on my pop arrangements... 

So as of now, I will be making some progress in my next Chinese song arrangment, so to whoever requested those songs, I apologize for the wait, but the most I can do is really 2 videos a month. One live recording, and another synthesia sheet video. I will continue to answer those requests, and hope to still have you around when I complete them. Thank you so much for your patience and support. 

So here's the corresponding video for this posting: 

Eric Chou's "This Is Love" Synthesia sheet video.

Sheets are here:

See you again~ 

PS: I'll be heading over to Comic Fiesta later this week, so if you are too, uh, maybe just say hi? Haha... 

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Results = Efforts?


There really isn't anything worth sharing this time, but perhaps I should start giving those who really come in to read a little touring around my uni here.

Where am I studying? I don't plan to disclose it directly =). So perhaps as a first, this fountain here should be the very first hint of my institution.

I did think of taking more photos around, but work got me lost in a loop of responsibilities, and I forgot to snap pictures as I went about my daily routine.

So just a head start announcement: I might be changing my recording plans. There are still requests to be fulfilled, but I am in the midst of preparing a repertoire for a performance next February. I would have to smoothen out some rough edges, and just try to get past the audition first before making serious arrangement regarding my playlist.

AND FUN FACT: Most of my blog posts are posted at night, like LATE at night. So pardon me if you found that my previous posting were rather awkward, it was just me being sleepy and tired when doing the posting. Even right now, my eyes are SO DROOPPY I could just dive onto my bed and fall asleep right away..

So again, I will start sharing bits and pieces of my institution, and try
to answer those song requests.

Well, I can't think stragight lol. Perhaps all those late nighters are catching up on me...

Here's the video for this posting: Eric Chou's This Is Love. I will be working on the sheets for this, so do subscribe to stay updated to my postings!

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Does Free Time Exist?

I'm late ^^|||

I don't think I need to mention how time is such a constrain right now. It literally has become a norm here, to the point that you don't really have a choice. You just will be busy!!

So speaking of being busy, my uni here has been rather lively for the past 2 weeks. It had its annual sports carnival called the Nation's Cup, and it was on for 2 full weeks. Fortunately, I am part of the student's association and was lucky enough to be placed under the marketing and media team and got to watch some really clash between sports pros! Yay! So, the lucky part is that I was in charge of a few events in which I had to provide coverage over. Photos and videos were the main ones.

We had the liberty of choosing the days we could contribute our part, and I chose those days with more indoor sports as they had a few games that weren't so much heard of in college and in high school. Ever heard of floorball? I didn't until then. @@ Or maybe its just me being a noob for not knowing a sport called floorball existed. 
The one sport that REALLY attracted me was dodgeball. In terms of interest, floorball and dodgeball rank the same. But something just sparked in me about dodge ball that I haven't been able to word it out. It's an enigmatic feeling that just draws my mind to it. The matches were VERY intense. And quick. If I remember correctly, there were maybe 7 or 8 a team, and the games were so fast paced that in one particular game, when I looked up from my phone after sending some photos over to my Head Of Department, there was only one member from each team left. 

The 1 v 1 matchup...of just 1 side haha. 

Look at dem ballls. 
Then came the closing ceremony on last Friday.... which I felt was VERY DRAGGY. Prior to the start of the Nation's Cup, the organizing committee decided that ALL prizes were to be given on the final day. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.  So there I was, standing with my team, snapping pictures away, updating the Uni's Facebook page etc for nearly 2 hours straight while standing. Heck I don't mind standing. I've stood longer when I was working. But it was just that the series of medals and trophies distribution eventually lost its sparkle/omph when it hit the hour mark. At that time, I was seriously BORED THE F out. In the end, after about 2.5 hours, with the prize ceremony still going on, I decided to leave for a bit to grab a bite. Just to recalibrate my focus. @@

So that's all that has happened over here in wherever I am for the past 2 weeks. Corresponding with this is a video I uploaded a week ago. If you're ever still interested, the video is a TUTORIAL video on Kataware Doki from Kimi No Nawa. 
And the sheets are here:

So before I close this entry, LOOK AT SOME CUTIES IN MY RESIDENCE!!

Mummy kitty chillaxing while her kittens sleep on the padded chair. How cute~ <3

Alright! I will resume working on my next video which will be an Eric Chou song once more, so do stay tuned to my channel in the coming weeks. Thank yu and have a nice day~

Sunday, 30 October 2016

It Was A Good Break (~`,`)~

Hey all~

It has been only 2 weeks since my last update but it feels rather long already... I guess that's how things will be from now on. 

Not to mention how many test there will be too from this week onwards! And coincidentally, they are also every fortnight! @@ T_T 

With every passing day, I seem to reminisce more about the days when I had absolute freedom and control of time, and not having to worry too much about school work and school test and school assignments and school this school that and everything related to academic responsibilities. I could play my games, I could adhere to my weekly video quota, and I could work! Back then, the people I met gave me a glimpse into how society would be post education. And, those I met weren't top scholars; they were all normal people trying to keep up with the elites in their respective school. The conversations we had were all on self development and improvement, and never about academic results. I guess in the end, even though your results determine where you end up in the future, it really boils down to how you will write your own "story" after your schooling arc.

I guess that's all for my lame stories for now LUL. 

Heads up, I will be back to my usual program of doing sheets and pop songs. I've gotten quite a few requests already, so do subscribe to stay updated!

Here's my last anime song for the month: Nandemonaiya, the Ending Theme for Kimi No Nawa. ;_;

Thanks for the support for my previous video on Kataware Doki! It has reached close to 200 views already, so I guess I will be working on the sheets as promised! 

See you!

Friday, 14 October 2016

Twilight Song

Ding Ding~

So things haven't been too busy just yet, and I managed to squeeze in a recording session. 

It's another anime song, Kataware Doki from Kimi No Nawa. 

Graphics on point, story line on point, moving songs on point.... All I can say is this is really a good one. I personally recommend it to everyone, even if you are not too into anime.

The last time I ever watched an anime movie like this was a good 3 years ago, and that too was an old movie Spirited Away. My aunt bought it as a present for me when I was very young, while not knowing too much about that movie herself lol. I watched it after she gave it to me, but couldn't make much sense from it. It was only after I rewatched it 3 years ago that I manage to appreciate the art and story. THAT too, IS A MUST WATCH. 

Time to move along~ Do drop by my channel to watch the video, and if it reaches 200 views, I will make the sheets =D. This is a special quest as my anime videos hardly reach over 100 views... #sadlife So if it makes it to 200 views, I will keep my word and work on the sheets. 

See you and have a nice day wherever you may be~ 

Friday, 7 October 2016

New Start II


Finally, responsibilities have caught on to me. I now have lessons to attend daily, and work that require much attention and care and caution. 

So far, life here on campus is calm. I didn't feel so at peace at any campus accommodation before, so I am enjoying the "zen" that is present for now. Perhaps it could be because there's not much work YET. I would be wise to better stay cautious about my work. No/Little work does seem suspicious to me. 

Anyhow, I still am able to find some time to practice my pieces and prepare for recordings, albeit they won't be as long as before. 

And guess who I met last weekend!


He came over to Malaysia after his China Concert Tour to share his ways of music arrangement. What a nice day it was~

And here's my first recorded piece in my new place! Oath Sign from Fate/Zero. 

Gotta work better on the audio quality. It sounds rather different compared to my other videos.... Or it could be just that I SUCK BAD..... ;aA;KJDFH;ALKSDFJA;LSFDKJA;L

That is all for now.

See you~

Friday, 23 September 2016

New Start


My oh-so-fun time has finally ended, as I have resumed my education again. I've moved into my accommodation on campus, and it is rather homey! Much to my delight! It even has enough space for my keyboard! YAY! REJOICE! I can bring ScherzForté in! (That's the name I gave my keyboard LUL)

It's been a week since I started staying there, and I believe I have adjusted already to the new environment. Everything's been packed nicely, and necessities are complete. I will be coming back home for these 2 weekends to transport my "studio" into my room, AND to meet up with Animenz! OHHHHHH THE DREAM IS REAL..... 

Oh yeah. Its him alright.... (~`,`)~

As to how production will proceed, I plan to make 2 videos a month. Sheets will be still be made for songs that I deem fit. Hopefully the discipline I've cultivated these whole 9 months will prevail and bring me good returns both academically and musically. Hopefully no matter how busy I will be, I pray I keep to my quota. 

I hope this doesn't happen. God forbid it please. 

Nothing interesting happened so far in campus. Registration and induction came and went, met a few friends here and there, and now I am just waiting for classes to begin on Monday. 

I pray for a glorious chapter here. 

Well, here is the video for this posting:

And the sheets as well:

Thank you for all the support thus far! I hope to receive your continuous support throughout my journey here on, as it means a lot to me. I will be very much motivated in my strive and I hope to live up to my/your expectations. 

See you again~

Thursday, 15 September 2016



I'm having PADS (Post Anime Depression Syndrome). Too much feels. I haven't been able to touch my piano for a week now... ITS JUST TOO MUCH!!

OK. I know anime can be tear jerking, and even though I've watched this anime a long time ago, I had to rewatch it after doing some research on its origins: a game. Not a very child friendly game, maybe about 15+ age restriction, it just tore me apart after I got to know the TRUE ENDING of the anime.

The feels didn't hit me immediately, but when I started thinking how things would be from the Heroine's perspective, I got drowned in the feelssss...  Plus how the main character did all he could to hold on to her, but had to let her go because he loved her enough to do so. I just lost it. I couldn't be normal for 2 days... The feels were at their peak for 2 FULL DAYS. 


Long story short, I managed to "console" myself with some side stories of the game, which do not reflect the continuation of the REAL story, and pushed myself to binge watch the anime before I have to commit myself to studies. I am slightly better right now, but I believe its gonna take some time to get back to normal... 

Got any idea of which anime I'm talking about? It's Fate/Stay Night. 

"I'm back, Saber-"

"Yes- Welcome back, Shirou."

'Sniffles' For those 2 days, those images of The True Ending always make me tear up... AND this line from Shirou: 

"Someday, my memories of her will fade. Her voice, her actions – I might forget them as well. But even 
then, I will always remember that I loved Saber."

This scene is also very touching...
Can I have some tissues pls? ;_;

I'm gonna have to find something else to watch! Ohh my poor tender heart....

Anyway, here is the corresponding video for this posting: 

See you next time~

Monday, 12 September 2016

New Chapter Awaits...


It has been some time since I finished my previous chapter of schooling life. Upon completion, I was blessed with an opportunity to DO WHATEVER THE HEELLL I WANTED TOOOOO~

A little story ahead:

Earlier in the year, I knew that I had a LOT of time before really starting another schooling life, so I had to draft out a few plans, both long and short term plans, to make sure I don't waste as much time as I did once... ZZZZZ

Drafted out I did, and 2 plans stood out the most: I wanted to dive into some anime and build my YouTube channel. The former didn't ask for time commitment, but the latter was something that took some consideration. I had serious plans for my YouTube journey, and I planned to make a video a week to start things off. Even though working part time was also part of my plans, I didn't want to holdback on production simply because of working. So in the end, I spent more time on my piano, more than I ever had, than working for money. LUL

As for the anime watching, after finishing last study chapter, I had some thinking on the meaningfulness of my schooling life so far. WELL, cringy as it will sound, I did noticed some absence of 'colour' in it. Brought up in a rather strict family, I didn't spend alot of screen time on computers or TV, but spent most of my time studying for results. I did obtain results, but truth be told, I didn't really belong anywhere in any 'social groups' in school. I kept thinking had I had something in common with to talk about with my friends, I wouldn't be so alone. (I did have friends, but I always felt like I wasn't their FIRST-TO-GO friend when it came to hang out or something. Though I was one of the FIRST-TO-GO-TO-WHEN-HOMEWORK-IS-CONCERNED guy... LUL.) 
So basically, when it came to description of colours, I would say that my schooling world was kinda black and white... Whut.)

Nice art by JHEROCHJP. Ya, this was how it's like...

With the opportunity of time given to me, I decided to catch up on anime that were popular during those days, and watch some on-going series so far. And boy, did I have fun. And I enjoyed on seeing all the colours that I had missed all this while...

BOOYAH! Everything started to look rather more lively then.

So in my daily timetable earlier this year, it was something like this: watch anime, play my piano, play Dota, Undertale etc, exercise every alternate days, work, and do some basic Maths work.... Not in that order of importance. And what did you know.... I made some friends too! YAY!

Many events have taken place in the span of 9 months, and I learnt tons through the series I watched, through the colleagues I met at work, and just reflecting on how I could have led a more colourful life earlier on. And now, the time is nearing its expiration, and I have to prepare to step into reality once more. I will take all that I've learned, harvested, and developed, and write a new chapter in my life. And this time, I WILL NOT BACK DOWN. 

Reality, I will bring my dreams to you, and I will make them into YOU. 

Thanks for scrolling all the way down, though I'm not too sure if anyone will actually read it HAHAHSHAHASHDASJDHASJKDHASKJDHK!!! 

Anyway, here is the upload for this entry: Eric Chou's How Have You Been.

See you! (~`,`)~

Saturday, 3 September 2016

A Work Revisited


Recently I looked back at my works earlier in the year, and I could say that it has been a fun ride. I also noticed how amateurish my playing was. Maybe it will take some time to see some notable results... Though I hope it won't go unrealized.

"Perhaps it's not so much on the end results that matter the most, but the process and path you take that will determine its worth." 

I could start worshiping that phrase...

A work revisited, a video corrected, and some sheets to share. Here are the sheets for Kung Fu Panda 3's Try.

See you again~


I will soon have to commit myself to studies, and as such, I will not be able to keep up to the 1-video-a-week quota, WHICH SUCKS =(. But I can't fight with reality... Do not despair (my friends and MYSELF). I will try to upload maybe twice a month, a proper video and/or sheets. Hopefully I can still find materials and time to improve myself, and hopefully reach for the stars that I have set my goals upon. 

Thank you.

- DrewyJin -

Sunday, 28 August 2016



Animangaki just took place over the weekend, and I was very fortunate to be able to attend it as my first! 

I've haven't been in the anime fandom for long, but I can say that I will be in it for a GOOD LONG WHILE. The music themes for anime are just too lovable, and I kinda noticed how everyone there at the event, dressed up or not, were all kinda nice to each other. You would have casual visitors (meaning without any suits or cosplay) walking around and asking permission to snap pictures of the characters they like, and real deal ppoeple with their costumes posing for pictures and having dudes with big cameras take their pictures. When they were done, they would politely thank them and the entire scene was just admirable. I guess when anime fans gather, they sorta create another "world" where it's just so nice to be in. The visuals, the merchandise on sale, the stage performances etc. They kinda made a dimension to escape reality where it can be so brutal out there.

So besides wanting to see what an anime festival would be like, I also wanted to meet Angie and YingTze! As I've mentioned, I haven't be in the anime fandom for long, but I've been introduced to some amazing cosplayers by my friends. But seeing that I didn't have the early bird ticket, I had to queue up for the walk in ticket... and when I arrived this was what greeted me...

Gates opened at 10am. I reached 9.30am. And there is the ticket counter...

Should have bought the early bird...

After about 45 minutes, I finally reached the counter!

So I paid my fee, got my ticket and made a beeline to....... Angie's booth! Again, a whole big line greeted me once more... Nonetheless, I waited in line patiently and made a random friend while waiting LOL. 

I see her...

Angie's Emilia banner!! So KUYT!

I had wanted to purchase her limited stock acrylic stand, but it was all sold out before I could even reach half the line... but I did buy her posters and photobook, which were enough for me... and a couple of photos to top it up!!
This was the best shot among 'the couple of photos". Mission 1 complete!
Her photobook! She's so cute~
 Next was to YingTze's booth! Another humongous line was between YingTze's booth and me... but this time the wait was longer. It was already lunch time by then so her team had her to have lunch first then come back. I guess I was already waiting for about 1 hr and half or 2hrs before I could even reach the side of the booth...
A smiley No-Face walked past while I was in line....
There she is...

I finally reached her and my 'intended goals' were completed.

Teehee! Her tail (not in the picture) was very FLUFFY!

Having finished what I came to do, I then went about the halls to check out the merchandises on sale, took a whole lot of photos, and kinda just immersing myself in the anime like world. Ohh and I also got myself some cool stuff!

Some shirts! Tokyo Ghoul and Guilty Crown!

I've got a whole lot more of photos on my computer, but it is rather tedious to arrange photos here. They always run out of place whenever I want to add a caption. More on my Facebook, but it still isn't my entire collection, b'cuz Facebook was being a dick and my images kept failing to be uploaded. GG. But they were all more or less of what I wanted to convey so it still does show my little outing there.

As for the upload for the posting, here it is: RE:ZERO ED 2 STAY ALIVE!

Thank you for dropping by and see you again~